What is preqc-lr?

With the emergence of new long read sequencing technology such as Pacbio Single Molecule, Real-Time (SMRT) Sequencing technology and Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT), there is a need for a method that assesses sequencing quality prior to analyses. Prior to genome assembly, preqc-lr can be used to infer quality statistics without alignment to a reference genome.

There are two components to preqc-lr:

  1. Calculate
  2. Report


The first tool will calculate all the datasets needed to create plots using overlap inform ation provided by minimap2.


The second tool reads the calculated output and generates a pdf with the following plots:
  1. Estimated genome size
  2. Read length distribution
  3. Estimated coverage distribution
  4. Per read GC content distribution
  5. Estimated coverage vs read length
  6. Total number of bases as a function of minimum read length
  7. NG(X)